Installation staff tables are arranged alphabetically in order of functional groupings. What is the code for
military prisoner stockades? (Para 5-3d(1)(g))
The second major grouping of the AFCS is facilities. What characteristics identify a facilities code? (Para 5-
The third major grouping of the AFCS is equipages. What is the format of an equipage code? (Para 5-3d(3))
Total manhour requirements for the construction of prefabricated standard-frame TO structures and related
facilities are published in TM 5-301. What is the primary use for this information? (Para 5-4a)
Standard plans provide minimum requirements for construction in temperate climates. If wind velocity is
anticipated above 10 pounds per square foot, what building modifications are made? (Para 5-5a)
A shop building is to be constructed with a concrete floor. At what stage of the building construction is it
best to pour the concrete to avoid construction delays? (Para 5-6)
Joists, piers, sills, floor, and footings are five parts of a TO building. Arrange them in the sequence in which
they should be constructed. (Para 5-7c)
When erecting a building using the panel method, an end section is set up first, followed by the two sides.
Why should the sides be brought out at an even rate? (Para 5-7d(4))