Fires may be started by thermal radiation, but most of these will be extinguished by the blast. The majority of
fires will be from secondard causes as indirect blast effects (para 5-8a).
Expedient construction uses materials of any type. It may not be economical of labor or materials, but its
employment is warranted to get the job done (para 5-9a(2)).
From table 5-1 find that longleaf yellow pine weighs 40 pounds per cubic foot at 15% moisture content.
Then, 5000 / 40 = 125 cu ft allowable load. Since 1 cu ft = 12 board feet, 125 x 12 = 1500 board feet truck
can haul (table 5-1).
From table 5-4, a 10 x 10 post 8 feet in length can support 86.8 kips. Since table 5-4 is based upon an
allowable compression parallel to the grain of 1100 psi, the actual value for structural larch must be used.
From table 5-1, column 7, read 1800 psi. Per note 1, take 75% of 1800 = 1350 psi.
One man working under normal conditions will require the following times: