(2) Camera and light source alignment. The
terials, critical materials, delicate machinery, clas-
camera must be located below the plane of lighting
sified material, and valuable finished products)
fixtures used to illuminate the area. If side light-
where additional security lighting is required so
that doorways, windows, and insets will not be in
ing is used, the camera should not look directly
into the lighting plane. The lighting fixtures and
(7) An entry point is where access to protected
camera should be aimed in the same direction.
areas requires complete inspection of pedestrians,
(3) Spectral compatibility. There are many dif-
passenger cars, trucks, and freight cars entering or
ferent types of CCTV cameras available for exte-
rior use. Each type of camera has a specific
(8) Because confined areas offer a place to
spectral response. It is important that the spectral
hide, a shorter length of time is available to detect
output of light sources used for exterior lighting in
conjunction with CCTV systems is matched to the
at higher levels and uniformly cover all surfaces
spectral response of the CCTV cameras.
requiring observation.
c. Intensities. The type of lighting system, area
b. CCTV lighting. When CCTV is used as part
to be covered, and minimum levels of illumination
of the exterior security system, coordinate the
are shown in table 11-1, except where exceeded by
design of the lighting system with the CCTV to
other requirements and applicable criteria. Typical
ensure proper operation of the CCTV system dur-
applications of security lighting systems are shown
ing hours of darkness.
(1) Balanced lighting. The best image contrast
11-1 are minimum maintained measured at any
is obtained by a scene that is uniformly illumi-
point at any time. These levels include the lamp
nated. A CCTV outdoor lighting system must
lumen depreciation, fixture maintenance factors,
illuminate the entire surveillance area within a
and other applicable light loss factors.
single camera's field of view so that the maximum
d. Quality of illumination. The illumination uni-
light-to-dark ratio does not exceed 6 to 1, while
formity ratio of the maximum to the minimum at
providing the minimum faceplate illumination
any point to ensure adequate quality of lighting
level required by the camera throughout the cam-
era's field of view.
for visual assessment by security personnel will be
US Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 11-1. Application of Required Lighting Intensities