f. Ground fault return conductor. Medium volt-
grounding system will be coordinated with the
single-point grounding system of other low-frequency
age cable systems will incorporate a grounding
networks. Inter-connection of such grounding sys-
conductor connected in parallel with the cable
tems will be made at a single point. Separate or
shields and bonded at each point where they are
isolated earth connections called "quiet grounds"
connected to ground. The conductor will be sized
(or any other such "name") will not be provided.
for the available system ground-fault, but will not
Installations located less than 25 feet apart, with
be less than a # 2/0 AWG copper conductor.
interfacing data cables, will have interconnected
Metallic conduit is not an acceptable substitute for
earth electrode systems. Installations located
the conductor. The ground fault return conductor
greater than 25 feet apart, with interfacing data
will not be required when concentric neutral cable
cables, will be considered as stand alone installa-
is specified.
tions, with individual earth electrode systems.