6201-T81 (acronym AAAC) alloy with a 52.5
physical properties of conductors for commonly
used materials.
substitute for ACSR where problems of corrosion
c. Conductor insulation. Most medium-voltage
have resulted because of the combination of both
conductor installations use bare conductors. Where
aluminum and steel in ACSR conductors.
the use of insulated cable has been justified for
(2) Use of other conductors. Special conductors
medium-voltage lines, the insulation will conform
such as copper-clad steel may be used where the
to the requirements applying to underground con-
application warrants. Conductor selection, where
ductors covered in chapter 7. Messenger wire
corrosive or salt-laden atmospheres are encoun-
tered, may require investigation. The determina-
voltage lines will be in accordance with applicable
tion of acceptable conductors for special atmo-
ICEA/NEMA requirements.
spheres will be based on evaluations which will
d. Sags and tensions. The maximum tension in
consider local utility practices. Table 6-1 indicates
a span is limited by the strength of the wire and
Table 6-1. Conductors Materials-Physical Properties.